Episode 020 – How to Market a Cleaning Company
How to Market a Cleaning Company Without Wasting Money
How to Market a Cleaning Company. Hard Question. Surprising Answer.
What do cleaning companies do when disaster strikes? Jeff Norris of Simply Clean Janitorial has been in business since 1999. After Hurricane Katrina, Jeff simplified his business to survive and rebuild.
Mike and Jeff discuss how to market a cleaning company without wasting money on tactics that just won’t work.
Ever miss the days of Yellow Pages? Sure they charged an arm and a leg for a tiny square in a sea of competitors but at least you were all in the same crappy overpriced boat together.
Life was simple back then… nowadays there are soooo many options- online, offline, social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) SEO, SEM, PPC- the letters and concepts go on and on…
NONE of the methods will work without the one crucial element discussed in this podcast!
Listen in and discover how you can KNOW which marketing options are best for your cleaning business. They cover some frequently asked questions on how to market a cleaning company :
Is SEO right for your cleaning company?
Should you market online or offline?
What message should you have on your marketing?
How to find out where your customers are?
What is the minimum online presence standard?
Mike coaches Jeff on how owners of cleaning companies can get the vital information they need to attract their ideal customers to their business.
Mike reveals a super secret “ninja” trick to find out what your customers want and where they go to get it.
Also covered – how to:
Identify wrong customers for your business
Disqualify them before wasting a bunch of time
Position yourself with the right customer
Finally, they talk about who to trust in the online marketing world so you don’t waste hundreds or thousands of your hard earned money marketing in the wrong place with the wrong message.
If this blew your mind and you want more check out the Last episode on how to bid a commercial cleaning job
For more resources check out our blog on how to market a cleaning company
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